
“Who Feeds Us?” Episode 1: The hungry gap

Listen to the first in a series of Podcasts by Farmera. Farmera are committed to positive ecological futures for the earth and its people, and believe that farmers of the world will determine this. By giving producers a voice, they hope to rejuvenate the confidence and vibrancy of farmers and rural communities and demonstrate how their decisions affect us all – from our food, to our health, and the planet.

As the COVID-19 lockdown hit the UK in early 2020, our nation suddenly looked very different. Supermarket shelves were empty and, for the first time in most people’s lives, we started to question how we were going to feed ourselves, and our families. Almost overnight, localised food systems went from being niche fantasies to a vital source of sustenance for many people around the country.

But who – and what – made up those localised food systems? Where did this sudden burst of community provision come from? In this episode we hear from four very different corners of the food system. From people supplying high-end restaurants to people on the frontlines of emergency food response. They all share what the lockdown meant for them and their communities, as well as how what they are doing helps feed us every day – the strength of close farm-restaurant relationships, the difficulties dairy farmers have faced in the last few decades, the health benefits of local honey, and the need for culturally appropriate food. All of these stories begin to hint at what a food system woven with dignity might look like.

This is only part 1; we will be meeting each of these people again in the final episode to hear their visions for the future and what’s next for those who feed us.

As we learn in many different ways throughout this series: Food is not just a question of calories. Food is nourishment for the body and soul. Food is about community, culture and our relationship with each other and with the Earth. We are all the food system.

Interviews with
Skye Gyngell
Jane Scotter
Angus Buchanan-Smith
Salma & Khalil Attan ttps:// //
Ursula Myrie
Producer: Suzie McCarthy
Executive Producers: Jo Barratt, Katie Revell, Abby Rose
Additional Interviews: Lovejit Dhaliwal
Community Collaborators: Cathy St Germans, Zain Dada, Col Gordon
Artwork: Hannah Grace
Music: Michael O’Neil
PR & Comms: Fran Bailey, Kate Lam, Elma Glasgow, Nancy Brownlow

Who Feeds Us? is possible thanks to the Farming the Future COVID Response Fund. We’re very grateful to The A Team Foundation, the Roddick Foundation, Thirty Percy and the Samworth Foundation for providing the funds to make this project happen.

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